What is the “School Attendance Financial Aid System”?

Students from households with difficulties paying for school expenses are eligible to apply for “School Attendance Financial Aid System”, which helps them pay for school supplies and lunch fees. It is also known as “Financial Aid for School Expenses”. Education is compulsory for all children for all six years of elementary school and all three years of junior high school in Japan, and public school tuition fees and text book fees for this period are free. If it is difficult for families to pay for other school expenses, parents can apply for financial aid to the national and/or local government.

Who is Eligible for the School Attendance Financial Aid System?

Families with elementary and/or junior high school students that meet at least one of the following conditions are eligible for School Attendance Financial Aid.

1. Receiving public income support

2. Public income support was suspended or ended during the previous school year

3. Receiving childcare allowance (single-parent households, etc.). Note: childcare allowance is different from child allowance or child rearing allowance

4. Total household income for 2022 is considered below standard. Note: In this case, municipal tax declaration at the local municipal office taxation department is required.

What Kind of Expenses Qualify for School Attendance Financial Aid?

Japanese school expenses are around 10,000 yen per month. The following expenses qualify for the School Attendance Financial Aid:

School supplies/physical education gear/new student’s school supplies/commuting goods/commuting expenses/school trip expenses/extracurricular activity expenses/medical expenses/school lunch fees/club activity expenses/student council fee/PTA membership fee/graduation album fee/online education communication expenses. Check with your local government as applicable expenses may vary depending on the government.

How Do You Receive the School Attendance Financial Aid?

Application forms for School Attendance Financial Aid are handed out at school in April every year. Applicants need to fill in the form and submit it to the school office or the school affairs section of the school board. The application filling deadline is around the end of April. After the application evaluation is completed, “authorization result notification” will be sent by postal mail around July. If certified, the aid money will be transferred to your bank account that was specified on your application form.

When Will the Aid Money be Paid?

Although the timing of the aid money transfer varies in different areas, it is often paid three times a year, at the end of each school term. The timing will be at the end of July, end of December, and end of March. As it may be paid twice a year in some areas, make sure to confirm the timing with your local government.

Because there are many handouts from school in April, make sure to check them so that you can receive applicable financial aid needed for your child’s school attendance.

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