What is Children’s “Naraigoto“(After School Activities)?
Japanese children occasionally do “naraigoto” (after school activities) outside of school. There are various after school activity options, including sports practices, music lessons, and schoolwork related classes. Below you can find information on where and how children participate in after school activities.
Why Do Children Participate in After School Activities?
After school activities provide children with opportunities to learn what they cannot learn at school. Parents of younger children choose the activities that will help their children to experience different things, as well as to nurture their mind and body. As they get older, some children choose what they’d like to try depending on their interests. There are also some children taking private tutoring classes to support their schoolwork at any age.
What are the Advantages of Doing After School Activities?
One of the many advantages of doing after school activities is that children are able to make friends outside of school, and another is that they are exposed to diverse values. They also learn to follow rules and routines, such as being on time and managing their belongings. Learning and acquiring new skills or knowledge would help them gain self-confidence. Physical activities can help your child build a strong body, and support mental growth through being praised or encouraged. All these lead to children’s physical and personal growth.
On the other hand, cost and time may become a problem. These activities happen after school hours on weekdays or on weekends. Parents may need to drop off and pick up their child, or help out with their activities, like supporting the instructor, preparing for a performance event, or accompanying their group. Costs will vary depending on the activity, ranging from a couple of thousand yen to tens of thousands of yen per month. In general, many activities fall into the range of 5,000 – 10,000 yen per month. Each family should choose the activities based on their child’s age, how many children they have, and their financial situation.
What Kind of After School Activities are Available?
There are mainly three different types of activities: sports, arts, and academics.
- Sport Practices/Classes
Baseball, soccer, basketball, gymnastics, dance, ballet, martial arts (judo, karate, kendo, etc.)
- Art Lessons/Classes
Piano, violin, painting, crafts, calligraphy
- Academic Lessons/Classes
English conversation, online classes/private tutoring classes, programing/robotics classes
There are also some experience-based learning activities available, such as boy scouts and girl scouts.
How to Choose the Activity for Your Child
There are many different types of after school activities available, including some that are unique to your region. Available activities can be found online and on bulletin boards at school, community bulletin boards, and at public spaces like super markets. Getting information from your child’s classmates and their parents may be helpful.
Cost and time vary depending on the activity. There is no need to force your child to do afterschool activities. Choose the ones that fit your child’s interests and personal characteristics, as well as your family circumstances.