What Happens at the Entrance Ceremony?
The entrance ceremony takes place at the beginning of the Japanese school year, in April, when children start going to school as first graders. Below is information on what happens on the day of the entrance ceremony.
Parent(s) and Their Child Go to School Together on the Day of the Entrance Ceremony
Parent(s) and their child are expected to arrive at school together (according to the schedule) on the day of the entrance ceremony. Once you arrive at school, look for the check-in table and go through the procedures as needed. You will need to submit the enrolment notice for your child that should have been sent to you by post in advance, so be sure to bring it with you. Children will be escorted to their classroom by a teacher or senior student, while parents will be led to the gymnastic hall and seated at the designated area.
Ceremony Procedure
While the procedures of the entrance ceremony may vary depending on the school, the most common procedures are:
-Entry of the new first graders
-Opening remarks
-Principal’s speech
-Guest introductions
-PTA President’s speech
-Telegram readings
-Senior student’s speech
-Homeroom teacher introductions
-Singing of the school song
There will be a class photo shoot after the ceremony. Some schools have the parents be a part of the photo. Afterwards, parents and students move to the classroom where the homeroom teacher will deliver a greeting speech, and pass out textbooks and school supplies.
Including getting to and from the school, the entrance ceremony takes about two hours. Parents and students go home together afterwards. You may want to give yourself extra time in case you would like to take some commemorative photos in front of the school gates before or after the ceremony.
Manners for the Entrance Ceremony
Make sure to silence your cell phone so that you do not disturb your child’s commemorative ceremony and keep quiet while everyone, including the principal and other teachers, make speeches. You can be accompanied by your child’s pre-school aged siblings. Take a flexible approach in case they get fussy or bored during the ceremony. Avoid disturbing others when taking photos. Many schools don’t allow photos with children from other families to be posted in public including SNS, so please be cautious when dealing with photos.
As the first entrance ceremony experience may make you feel nervous, it is recommended to contact the school office in advance if you have any questions, so that you and your child can enjoy the start of their elementary school life.