Child Allowance: Tokyo “018 (Zero-Ichi-Hachi) Support“
Tokyo 018 (zero-ichi-hachi) support is a child allowance to provide seamless support for the upbringing of all children residing in Tokyo. To start receiving the allowance in January, 2024 (Reiwa 6), applications must be submitted by December 15, 2023.
What Is 018 (Zero-Ichi-Hachi) Support?
018 support provides 5,000 yen per month (60,000 yen annual) per child who is a resident in Tokyo and is 18 or under. The purpose of this allowance is to provide steady support to children’s learning and development, and to create a child-rearing friendly environment.
Tokyo Child/Child-rearing Support
Who Is Eligible?
There is no income limit to receive 018 support. Children who meet following requirements are eligible.
1.If the child was born between April 2, 2005 (Heisei 17) and March 1, 2024 (Reiwa 6).
2.If the child has or has had an address in Tokyo during the fiscal year 2023 (in principle).
* This includes those who were born, those who moved into Tokyo, and those who moved out of Tokyo, during the fiscal year 2023
* Residence status as of the 1st of each month will be confirmed.
What Is the Amount and Timing of Payment?
The amount paid by 018 support is 5,000 yen per child per month. A lump-sum amount will be paid in January, 2024, if applications are submitted by December 15, 2023.
How to Apply for 018 Support
Applications can be submitted online:
-If the eligible person (child) is under 18 years old, a guardian/parent must apply.
- If the eligible person (child) is 18 years old, a guardian/parent or the eligible person themselves must apply.
* As the age of 18 is considered an adult, a letter of attorney from the eligible person (child) is required when a guardian/parent is submitting the applications.
If you are unable to submit applications online, applications by postal mail are accepted. As a special application form is required to apply by mail, call the call center to ask for the form.
Documentations Required to Apply for 018 Support
To apply for 018 support, the following documentations are required; “identity verification document for applicant”, “documents that confirm the family relationship between the applicant and the child (eligible person)”, “documents that can confirm the bank account for the transfer”. Make sure to prepare these documents in advance.
Points to Note When Applying
018 support allowance is considered part of the eligible person’s (child’s) income. If the eligible child’s income for the year is only the 018 support allowance, it is not taxed. If the eligible child has a temporary income other than the 018 support allowance, or lives outside of Japan, it may be taxed.
Call the call center if you have any questions. For those who are receiving public assistance, the 018 support allowance will not be recognized as income.
Call the call center if you have further questions. If you wish to receive this allowance, apply immediately.
Tokyo Metropolitan Government 018 Support Benefits Call Center
Navi Dial:0570-082-018
* Operating hours: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays except for year-end and New Year holidays)
○Easy Japanese and multilingual versions of the flyer
-Easy Japanese version
018 Support Flyer (Easy Japanese version) (PDF:1,429KB)
018 Support Online Application Guide (Easy Japanese version)(PDF:1,710KB)
-English version
018 Support Flyer (English version) (PDF:1,456KB)
018 Support Online Application Guide (English version) (PDF:1,746KB)
-Chinese version
018 Support Flyer (Chinese version) (PDF:1,585KB)
018 Support Online Application Guide (Chinese version) (PDF:1,859KB)
-Korean version
018 Support Flyer (Korean version) (PDF:1,490KB)
018 Support Online Application Guide (Korean version) (PDF:1,755KB)