Support For Those Who Have Evacuated From Ukraine

Each local government offers different types of support for those who have evacuated from Ukraine.

Website Where You Can Search For Available Relief Supplies and Services

Those who have evacuated from Ukraine can receive necessary relief supplies and services through the Immigration Services Agency website shown below. You will also find information regarding working conditions and the certificate of refugee status on this website.

Immigration Services Agency, “To those who have evacuated from Ukraine and have been staying in Japan: Support website for evacuees from Ukraine (Find relief supplies and service)”

Tokyo Helpdesk For Evacuees From Ukraine

Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation “Tsunagari” offers “One-Stop Consultation Desk for Evacuees from Ukraine”. This service provides the necessary information and detailed consultation for the people who evacuated from Ukraine, so that they can live in Tokyo feeling secure.

Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation “Tsunagari”; One-Stop Consultation Desk for Evacuees from Ukraine

Phone: 03-6258-1227

Support Provided By Local Governments

Some local governments provide one-time financial assistance for living expenses. This applies to families whose head of the household is certified as an evacuee from Ukraine, and plan to live in the community for at least a month. If approved, the household will receive 100,000 yen through a bank transfer or by cash. Note that this is a one-time financial assistance. Other support by local governments can include free hair cut services by reserving in advance. Content of the support varies depending on the government, so check with the local government for the available support services in the area you live in or plan to live in in the future.

School Attendance And Japanese Language Education Support For Evacuees

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) offers information and consultation services for evacuees to Japan, regarding both school attendance and Japanese Language Education. Available languages for these support services are Easy Japanese and English.

MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology) Help Desk:

Phone: 0120-082-434 extension 4751 (phone rate applies)

IP Phone (from overseas): +8-3-5253-4111 (Weekdays - 9:30 a.m. to 6:15 p.m.)


Click the following link for more information regarding education in Japan

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology "Support for evacuees from Ukraine

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