Swim Classes At Elementary Schools
Many Japanese elementary schools include swim lessons in their physical education class. Some schools use a pool at the school, while the others use a pool in their neighborhood. The purpose of swim lessons is to help children get used to water and learn to swim. What kind of preparation is needed for swim lessons?
Swim Lesson Season
While swim lesson season varies depending on where you live, many schools have it from mid June through September. Some warm areas may start earlier, in May. The schools that use indoor pools may also have different swim lesson seasons.
How Frequent Are The Lessons?
Many schools use two consecutive class periods for one swim lesson, and there are normally 4 or 5 lessons during a season. Swim lessons may be cancelled because of the weather or temperature.
Does Everyone Have To Participate In The Lesson?
Schools check whether or not your child intends to attend the swim lessons. Make sure to communicate to your child’s school any reason that your child cannot attend the swim lessons, including reasons considering their health or religious practices.
What Do You Need To Prepare For Swim Lessons?
Students need to bring their own swimwear, swim caps, goggles, and towels to take swim lessons. Some schools may have specific design requirements on swimwear or name tags. Make sure to read the handout from school when they check your child’s attendance for the swim lessons.
Make preparations ahead of time so that your child can take swim lessons safely and enjoy it.