Procedures to Take From Your Child’s Birth Until They Enter Elementary School
In Japan, there are medical examinations and necessary procedures that both mothers and children undergo from pregnancy to postpartum. There is also financial support that you can receive when you give birth. In addition, vaccinations and checkups for the baby are provided after giving birth. Records of vaccinations and health checkups need to be provided when entering elementary school. Below is information about procedures that you need to go through after giving birth until your child enters elementary school.
Things to Do During Pregnancy
Decide where to give birth once you know you are pregnant. In Japan, it is common to give birth in a hospital or midwifery clinic. Ask for advice at your local government office, if you do not know which hospital you would like to use. Maternal and child health handbooks and prenatal checkup assistance tickets can be provided at your local government office. A maternal and child health handbook is a notebook for managing the health of the mother and child from pregnancy to postpartum. Keep it in a safe place until after your child grows up, as you may be asked to check what is written in your handbook. A prenatal checkup assistance ticket is used when you visit the hospital to have your baby checked during pregnancy. Examination fees will be slightly cheaper if you use this ticket. Arrangements to receive the childbirth lump-sum allowance can be made at the hospital where you plan to give birth.
Important Procedures for a Newborn Child
In Japan, you will stay at the hospital for about 5 days after giving birth. During this time, your baby will receive some medical examinations at the hospital. A Notification of Birth needs to be submitted at your local government office within 14 days following your child’s birth. Arrangements for health insurance, a pediatric medical certificate and child allowance should also be made. Additional necessary procedures include registration of birth in the home country of the parent(s) at the embassy/consulate, and an application for a status of residence in Japan at the immigration office.
Medical Examination and Vaccination
Newborn children will receive a one-month checkup at the hospital where they were born. A 4-month checkup, 8-10-month checkup (not applicable in some areas), 18-month checkup, and 3-year checkup will follow. Make sure to take your child in for the checkups as you will receive notifications for these checkups from your local government office. Vaccinations begin at 2 months of age. Take your child to your child’s primary care doctor for vaccinations when you receive vaccination tickets from the government office. Vaccination records will be checked when entering kindergarten, nursery school, and elementary school.
Child’s Infant Stage
It is common to send children to a nursery school, kindergarten or early childhood center according to family circumstances. There are private and public facilities available. School information will be sent to your home during the year before entering elementary school. Follow the school guidance and make sure to attend informational sessions and health checkups at the elementary school.
(Reference) Kanagawa International Foundation “Parenting in Japan Support Website”