Support Available To Single Parents
In Japan, there is government support for single parents. The term “single parent” refers to a parent raising a child or children alone due to divorce or bereavement. Single parents and their children can receive various types of support from their local government, including medical care assistance, financial support, housing support, career-related support, and support for finding a place for children to be.
Steps To Take If You Become A Single Parent
When you become a single parent, visit the childcare support desk at your local government office to go through necessary procedures. Ask at the general counter at the government office if you are not sure where the childcare support desk is. Procedures for Childcare Allowance and Medical Expense Subsidies for Single Parent Households can be performed at the childcare support desk and documents required for each procedure are as follows:

There is more support available for single parent households, such as reduction and exemption of national health insurance premium, JR commuter pass special discount, reduction of income tax and resident tax, reduction and exemption of water and sewage charges. Go through the procedures as needed.
Various Types of Support For Single Parents
Until your child turns 15, you can receive Child Allowance in addition to Childcare Allowance and Medical Expenses Subsidies for Single Parent Households. If your child has a disability, additional support is also available, including Special Childcare Allowance, Child Fostering Allowance (Disability Allowance), Independence Support Medical Care Aid (Developmental Medical Care Aid), and Pediatric Psychiatric Medical Care Subsidy.
-Financial Support
Single parent deduction and widow deduction systems can lessen your tax burden. There are also financial aids and systems to help you reduce childcare related expenses for preschool aged children. In addition, JR commuter pass special discount, exemption of basic water charges, and exemption of oversized garbage collection fee are available.
Regarding child education, the following financial support is available: School Attendance Financial Aid System to help you reduce school expenses, Mother and Child Welfare Fund/Father and Child Welfare Fund which is a loan system for school expenses, and Scholarship Support System for higher education.
-Housing Support
Mother and Child Life Support Facilities are available for single mothers needing housing immediately after becoming a single parent. Other support includes Preferential Lottery System for Public Housing and/or Rent Discount System.
>-Childcare Support
Usage Fee Reduction Systems are available for nursery schools, after-school childcare, family support service by local government, and short stays at a child support facility.
-Employment Support
Financial aid and loans are available for single parents studying to obtain a national qualification or a professional qualification.
As support systems vary depending on the local government, you may want to check with the municipal office where you live to see what kind of support is available.